Journey of Learning Full Stack Web Development

My Time At Flatiron School

fetch() and handling errors

With fetch(), how do you handle unexpected errors like server or authentication failures? The error information is provided through the HTTP status code.

news4u – a Rails React/Redux App

Rails - JavaScript Project - Using a JSON Backend

For this project, I started with a general knowledgebase Rails app, ‘ike. In case you are wondering, ‘ike is the Hawaiian word for knowledge. Besides the app managing knowledge, I’m hoping this project extends my knowledge in meaningful ways.

Rails Portfolio Project - ‘ike

‘ike is the Hawaiian word for knowledge.

Sinatra Portfolio Project - BucketList

For my Sinatra Portfolio Project, I created a BucketList web app. The idea is that app users can create buckets to keep track of ideas of things they would like to do. Though you may put all these ideas, or goals, in one bucket, the app lets you create multiple buckets. For example, you may have a bucket related to being a parent and another bucket for yourself. Buckets are private – only the user who created them can view or modify.